Gabriel Alvarez

Visual Artist

Corona Series

As the name of this artworks series points out “Corona” is in reference to the global event that has been happening since 2020, the arrival of the virus, the pandemic and the new habit of using a face mask. ...Read more

The face mask, an element that evolve into a symbol for saving lives, but it has a paradox, the way to use it, covering our face, as a mask, using it over our mouth obstructing our expressions; which makes it difficult to communicate, to hear out or even may lead into losing contact or weakening our relationship with others. The heap of elements or situations: the face mask, confinement, social distance, taking care of ourselves and others, represent repressed feelings: the touch, caress, hugs, sex, forgotten relationships, the loss of the ones we love, have changed our lives. As an artist, this series or representation of face masks, without leaving my own vision nor my pectoris characteristics aside, are the desire of bear witness this pandemic, which brought about changes in our routines, habits, and way of feeling. This was or is the excuse trigger this element in me and lead me to making this series.

Personaje post covid camina entre mis pinturas

Arena, acrílico sobre tela, 100 x 100 cm

Personaje post covid aparece en mi pintura

Arena, acrílico sobre tela, 80 x 80 cm

Personajes post covid caminan sobre mis pinturas I

Arena, enduído, acrílico sobre tela, 140 x 140 cm

Personajes post covid caminan sobre mis pinturas II

Arena, enduído, acrílico sobre tela, 100 x 100 cm

Partusa con barbijo I

Arena, enduído, acrílico sobre tela, 140 x 140

Con barbijo pero sin distancia

Arena, enduído, acrílico, 100 x 100 cm

Nada será como antes

Arena, enduído, acrílico, 130 x 130 cm

Saliendo con barbijo nuevo

Arena, enduído, acrílico, 110 x 80 cm

Partusa con barbijo II

Arena, enduído, acrílico, 160 x 80 cm

No estamos solos

Arena, enduído, acrílico, 150 x 100 cm

ADN viral

Arena, enduído, acrílico, 150 x 100 cm

Gabriel Alvarez -