Earth Series
In this series I present a set of works that represent the four elements, species, men, feelings and universe.... Read more
But what is more important is the effect through matter, the sensation cloth / skin. The sgraffito, as texture, turns the matter of the work into torn skin, externality, intentional abrasion between consciousness and experience, between the body and things, between desire and illusion. Rough matter, cracked skin as a hatched memory, from infinitesimal and illegible facts of the human transcendence, pure and unmasked. From the warp of this matter alternative universes emerge, labyrinths, incorporeal atmospheres, as if the pictorial matter would dictate slightly hinted arguments, figurative elements that are nothing more than the sensible presence in a timeless space. The painting is used in successive extended layers, to later be adjusted in thickness and chromaticism, accomplishing successive tangible volumes.
Ara Sol
Alquitrán, cemento, acrílico, cosido, metales sobre tela, 120 x 90 cm
Domingo arena
Enduido, acrílico sobre tela, 140 x 140 cm
Escalera al cielo
Cemento, acrílico, cosido, metales sobre tela, 140 x 90 cm
Arena, acrílico, cobre, tela, 100 x 100 cm
Luna no es luna
Arena, acrílico sobre tela, 110 x 110 cm
Madre tierra
Arena, acrílico, cosido sobre arpillera, 120 x 120 cm
Personaje caído
Arena, enduido, acrílico, cosido sobre tela, 180 x 100 cm
Arena, acrílico sobre tela, 100 x 100 cm
Templo circular
Arena, acrílico sobre tela, 140 x 140 cm
Gabriel Alvarez -